I have learned a lot of things from ENVS1100. It was first time for me to explore the beautiful nature of Michigan, and spend a night with Americans. Actually, it was hard time because my English skill was not so well, but I loved it. I cannot see such a beautiful scenery in Tokyo, so I will never forget it.
I think it was especially hard for me to read many books, and write reports. We sometimes had to read and write a report in two days, and I did not sleep at that time. However, books gave me a lot of knowledge, and thanks for them, I became accustomed to reading books in English.
Making a poster and a blog was very interesting for me. It was totally different from the reading, and it gave me chances to tell my ideas to others. It was also a good time to know how people in America think about the environment, and how different the ideas are between countries.
The class will end, but my blog will not end.
I would like to transmit my ideas to everyone in the future, and I am looking forward to seeing you guys!!!

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