Before start introducing the carbon offset, I want to explain the carbon offset itself. According to Carbon Footprint Ltd., it is defined that Carbon Offsets can be used to compensate for the emissions produced by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving elsewhere. So, we can say we do not emit any CO2 by executing the carbon offset.

When you use an airplane, you emit a lot of CO2 to the atmosphere because the airplane use much fossil fuel. For example, if you travel from Chicago O'Hare to Kenneddy International in NY, you emit approximately 0.3 metric tons carbon dioxide. To offset the CO2, it will cost $4.29 for reforestation, and $9.04 for U.S. renewable energy.
It's not a big deal, right???
If you pay only $4 more, your travel will become carbon neutral!! I know there are many discussions about the carbon offset, but I think it would be a good chance to start thinking about the environment. What do you think??

LOVE the first picture!! Now if only the giant man could work on making smaller footsteps too!!